Thursday 9 December 2010

Time flies when you're having fun!

Its a whole month since my last blog, which to be honest, I'm quite ashamed about!  In my defence however November has been a very busy month.  Rather than type forever about my random goings on, below follows a 'montage' of the things I've busied myself with............

First came my birthday treat with a visit to Middlethorpe Hall (I was lucky enough to win a treatment at their Spa).

Main Hall

Entrance in Main Hall

Then came my lovely birthday weekend which involved a fab new eiderdown for my 'smooshy' bed. I also spent time with my sister, who has recently discovered crafting and is already excellent with a needle and thread!

There were also a few cakes involved in November.....(including my baking of 'Fat Rascals' which are popular tea time treats at a very famous tea room!)

I also found some time to take part in a sock making course at Purl City and although my efforts werent much to behold, it was a nice way to spend a Sunday afternoon...

(its a sock - honest!)

So there were are (or there we were), that was November....

I promise it wont be as long next time and I'll be back soon enough.....right after I fight my way out of this pile of Christmas makes! 

Tuesday 9 November 2010

Shine, Shine, Shine like a star........

I am dedicating this post to a very good friend of mine who isnt feeling her best at the moment.  She is a fantastic friend of mine who I have known for a good few years and whom I couldnt be without.

The following woolwork project is one that I would like to share as I think it describes many things about my lovely friend

Firstly, the project is a Brighton Cowl and is made using a 4mm hook and some rather lovely Scrumptious DK by Fyberspates (Biscuit) bought at Purl City Yarns (new LYS in Manchester)....phew!

(excuse the non-woven in ends! this is just the first row of 3)

...and this is why it is so fitting...
1. My friend is indeed a star
2. Without her I would never have persevered with crafting and indeed crochet (which is now such an important thing in my life and from which I get immense pleasure).
3.I got very excited when I first saw this yarn (it really does feel fantastic!) and my friend was there to share the excitement.  Its a wonderful feeling to have a someone share your interest.
4. You may not be able to see it but I had some issues joining the friend was there to give help and her advice worked a treat  Whether its wool or life in general my friend is always on hand to help me join things up!!

So my lovely - this one's for you!  (you know who you are)

Sunday 31 October 2010

Its all so quiet....

Hello...been a very quiet weekend this weekend here at hairball HQ.  Work as usual has been crazy this week and so some quiet time has been a welcome change.
The following picture sums things up really quite well...........
.........note the seasonal mug!

Of course it wouldnt be a relaxing time without abit of 'woolwork' of latest project to follow....

Sunday 24 October 2010

Bright copper kettles and warm woollen mittens....

Today I visited a fantastic place in Cheshire called Blakemere Craft Centre (although the website doesnt really do it much justice).
If you're like me and enjoy crafty bits and bobs with a dollop of dusty antiques then you'll love it here.  There are different little shops in a pretty courtyard - each offering something different but equally as exciting.  (There's a wool shop too - yay!).  I was quite reserved with my purchases and dont really feel they warrant a photo but here's a fab shot of the antiques hall.  (I particularly love the old rocking horse as I'm sure my sisters and I shared one as children).  Ah good old nostalgia......

Saturday 23 October 2010

'Tis the season, not to be jolly (not yet anyway) but the season I love the most.  I love the changing leaves and all the colours of autumn.  I quite like the frosty chill in the air and wrapping up in big knit scarves.  I'm working on a couple of autumnal crafty bits at the moment but had to share this one with you....can you guess what its going to be?
Well with a little bit of crochet magic (and without the use of a fairy godmother) the above was transformed into.....a pumpkin!
I used King Cole Merino Blend DK in 'Copper - 109'.  The stalk was a bit of green cotton that I had in my stash and the googly eyes were bought at Paperchase - £1.25 for about 30 eyes!  I would say you could get three pumkpins out of the 50g ball on a 4mm crochet hook. 

Try the pattern for yourself from The Evil Knittin' Kitten

Get some wool, find some your mind!

And that pretty much sums up my day!  
I've had a really busy week at work this week and its been so nice just to relax today with some of my favourite things....wool, good company and large dose of tea and biscuits!
Sidney has been pretty chilled out too.....

Tuesday 19 October 2010


I almost forgot....couldnt have worked half of this out without the help of a very special friend....frou-frou
ps.  my friend isnt an owl....she just likes them